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Trim specified videos with high precision to milliseconds and provide as many cutting ways as possible to cater to different users' needs.
Join an unlimited number of videos into a whole one without compromising the original quality and arrange file order in a flexible way.
Ideally, remove watermark from specified areas in videos and images with one click, or easily add custom text and image watermark.
This mighty screen recorder is able to record the full screen, customize partial region or lock preset ratio, which, therefore, allows you to completely adjust the capture area according to the actual situation.
The brilliant audio capture this toolbox offers enables you to grab types of computer-detected sounds, including that from microphones, system sound cards, or other external input devices.
Any music info such as genre, artist, cover and more can be automatically recognized and fixed by the built-in ID3 tag identifier.
Tactfully delete recordings when it's silent or when the duration is less than the designated seconds.
Trim out noisy or unnecessary tracks from a finished recording file and enhance it with sound effects or equalizer.
There are so many other features for you to discover as well.
VidiKit is created by Joyoshare.
Published: Thursday 16th June 2022
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This exclusive student offer is only available through Student App Centre, so don't miss out!
Yes, VidiKit offers 20% off to verified students. You can claim your discount by completing the form at the top of the page.
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You can get 20% off VidiKit exclusively through Student App Centre by completing the form at the top of the page.
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